
Virtual Live System Engagement Review Training Mar 4-6, 2025

Starts Feb 23, 2025


Full course description

Virtual Live - Engagement Review Training
March 4 and 5 from 12:00–1:30 PM EST and March from 12:00–1:00 PM EST.

Accreditation is the most widely used improvement process in the world. It is distinctly different from other improvement processes—accreditation in a standards-based ongoing improvement process includes expert, third-party professional review, and feedback.

This offering requires attendance at all three virtual live synchronous sessions and completion of required components in Canvas to receive a certificate of completion.

These sessions differentiated for schools and school systems detail the steps in the improvement journey for institutions preparing for an Accreditation Engagement Review. Learn how to document and report findings to gain or maintain the value and recognition of being an accredited institution.

Participants will be able to: 

  • Discover the new Cognia Performance Standards
  • Explore the phases of the accreditation process
  • Prepare for the Accreditation Engagement Review from both a system and school perspective
  • Determine an action plan to implement continuous improvement strategies

Please save the dates and times to your calendar.

The virtual live training synchronous meeting links will be available within Canvas after you have enrolled in the course.

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